7 reasons you might need a website update

Try and guess how many websites there are currently. Here’s the answer: A LOT. That being said, yours must be the best it can be. A long time ago, just having a website was good enough to get you by, but today’s web users are much more deliberate on where they spend their screen time. If it’s been a year or five, it might be time for a website update.

Even if you are happy with the way your site looks visually, there is always something you can do to improve it to help your business get more leads. Here are seven reasons you should think about updating your website.

1. It doesn’t look incredible

On average, your site only has about 10 – 20 seconds to catch someone’s attention before they leave a page. If the text is hard to read, there are flying colors going all around the page, or it looks like there haven’t been any updates since 2012, your visitor is more than likely going to dip out to another website.

You need a visual design that is going to stand out without adding too much clutter. It should be eye-catching enough to pique interest, but simple enough to keep the focus on what’s important—your business! A quick look at your website should show that you 1. Are knowledgeable or an expert in your industry and 2. Can provide a product or service that meets a customer’s needs.

Every 2-3 years you may notice new trends in some of your favorite websites. While you don’t necessarily always want to follow trends, it is vital to maintain a look and feel that adheres to modern web standards.

2. You aren’t reaching your ideal clients

If your website is bringing in tons of leads but few of them fit what you are looking for in a client, it might be time for a content refresh. Your ideal clients should be able to see themselves in every aspect of your website, from the copy to the images. Try featuring work you have done in the past and would like to do more of in the future. Showcasing these projects shows a visitor what type of clients you work with and can filter out the ones that wouldn’t be a good fit. You can also put more emphasis on a new product or service you want to promote by adding small (and not annoying) pop-ups.

3. Not pocket-sized

Mobile responsiveness shouldn’t be an issue, but many times it is. Your website needs to be optimized for mobile so you’re able to meet potential clients where they are and make it easier for them to do business with you when they’re ready.

By the end of 2020, there will be an estimated 3.5 billion smartphone users worldwide. That means there’s a good chance someone will see your company and your website for the first time on their phone. If your site isn’t optimized for mobile, there is an even better chance they’ll leave just as quickly as they came.

If your website visitors are having trouble navigating through your site on their phone, it’s time to upgrade. Google created a Mobile-Friendly Test so you don’t have a reason not to know if your site is or isn’t optimized for mobile.

One Major Note:

Be sure that everything on your website is consistent. That includes colors, fonts, templates, etc. Your website should be consistent no matter how someone is viewing it.

4. Your website is slower than a sloth

Whatever your view on sloths, we all know for sure that they are SLOW. Your website shouldn’t be a sloth. In today’s “I need it now” society, no one wants to wait around for anything, especially a slow loading website. It’s best practice to have your loading time under 3 seconds. A visitor waiting any longer than that will become frustrated and probably head to your competitor’s website.

If you notice your loading time is too long, there are a few quick fixes that might help:

  • Start by checking that the images you are using aren’t bigger than they need to be. Large images = sloth.
  • Upgrade to better hosting: old or extremely cheap hosting = sloth.

Several other factors will affect the speed of your website, but the bottom line is, don’t let your website be a sloth.

5. Your SEO could use some work

If it’s been a while since your last website update (if you’ve even had one), you probably aren’t ranking as high as you’d like on Google. Find out what your customers are searching for to find your product or service and optimize for their intent. Doing this is a great way to boost your ranking ability on search engines.

It’s also good to note that search engines LOVE new and fresh content. Whether that’s through blogs, case studies, a resource offer, or just making updates to your website, Google notices and will recalculate your site’s ranking potential. Improving your ranking will help put your business in front of your ideal clients.

This isn’t a one time deal. There are quick ways to improve your SEO, but you need to stay on top of it and be in for the long haul.

6. There aren’t any clear Calls to Action (CTAs)

So you have your ideal client (let’s call him Dave) browsing through your website because he found you on the first page of Google. Dave is impressed with the work you’ve done and is starting to see how you can help him and his business. But when he gets to the end of the page, he doesn’t know what to do next because there is no clear call to action. That’s when your website needs to send him somewhere. Whether that is to another page for more information, a download link, or a contact form, giving Dave clear next steps to take will encourage him to take action.

Dave visiting your site doesn’t mean much if he leaves without taking the next step.

7. Your tech isn’t updated

With all the new plugins and integrations available for websites, it would be less than ideal to use one that rarely gets updated or isn’t adequately tested. Not only does it hurt the functionality of the site, but it can create a security threat. While some of these bells and whistles can impress your visitors, it can also put their (and your) online security at risk.

So now what? (hint: this is a CTA)

While I could go on and on about these topics and why you really need an update, if your site has any of these issues, let’s talk about getting them fixed. If you’re not sure where to start, give us a holler, and we’ll start stirring up some website magic.

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