Internet Privacy Policy
This website is provided by Vietbino, LLC dba One Foot Over. We take the privacy of our website users and the security of their personal information very seriously. The purpose of this privacy policy is to set out the principles governing our collection and use of personal information we may obtain about you. By visiting this website, or by registering as a user of the services that we provide, you agree to this use. We ask you to read this privacy policy carefully. Any dispute which may arise over privacy will be subject to this policy.
For your convenience, this website may contain links to other websites, both inside and outside of One Foot Over. The privacy policies and procedures described here do not apply to those sites. We recommend contacting those sites directly for information on their data collection and distribution policies.
We may change our privacy policy from time to time. Please check our Internet Privacy Policy periodically to ensure that you are aware of the most recent version that will apply each time you access this website. One Foot Over holds no obligation to inform users of updates to our Internet Privacy Policy.
Collection and use of personal information
We will only collect personally identifiable data, such as your name or email address, when it is voluntarily submitted to us by you on this website. One Foot Over, its affiliates and subcontractors, will use this information to comply with your request for information or as otherwise disclosed to you when you submit your personal information.
From time to time, we may refer to that information to better understand your needs and how we can improve our services. We may use that information to contact you. We will never transfer your personally identifiable information to any third party unless otherwise directed by you.
One Foot Over takes reasonable efforts to keep personal information accurate, complete, current and relevant, based on the most recent information available to us. It is your responsibility to ensure that the personal information you decide to provide is accurate and current.
Collection and use of non-personal information
We monitor the use of this website by collecting aggregate information. We may automatically collect non-personal information about you, such as the type of internet browsers you use, the pages you visit or the website which directed you to our site. Unless you voluntarily submit a form on our website or any of our landing pages, you cannot be identified from this information and it is used only to assist us in providing an effective service on this website.
This website uses cookies, and while they sound delicious, they are not the chocolate chip variety. Cookies are files sent to your web browser and stored on your hard drive to allow you to carry information across our site without having to re-enter it. Cookies also enable us to analyze web traffic and improve our online services. Cookies cannot be used to identify you. You may set your web browser to notify you of cookie placement requests or to decline cookies completely. You can also delete files that contain cookies.
Please send questions, complaints or requests for more information about this Privacy Policy to [email protected].